Your Friendly Neighborhood Junk Collectors

By | 9:00 PM 1 comment
We are planning our last adoption fundraiser.

I need to take a second and glory in the part about this being the LAST one.

Yay! Yay! Yay!

We will be holding another yard sale combined with a bake sale on Saturday, May 22nd.

As the date gets closer I'll post more details, but for now I am just putting out there that we will gladly accept any donations to include in the sale! If you would like to donate any items please feel free to email me ( ) and we will work out arrangements to come and get it!

Did I mention that this is our LAST one?

Glory. Hallelujah.

He's almost home.

And I hereby promise that our signs will turn out better than this one:

And this one: Need any clotes?

And this one too: Unless Ella "helps"
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Marcie said...

So excited to hear about your adoption!! Do you know when you'll be bringing him home? Wrong question to ask, I realize, since we adopted from Guatemala and didn't enjoy all the waiting but just in case you know when :)
You have a wonderful blog! I enjoyed reading some of it and will check back! Marcie Long