Homeschooling: Thankful Week

By | 8:00 AM 1 comment
We've been studying the story of the first thanksgiving the past few weeks. We read lots and lots and lots of books...

If you've never gone to your local public library it. I searched for juvenille thanksgiving books and had them "ordered" to the closest library to me. I've done the same for tons of Christmas books...or any other theme we are studying.

We made our version of a thankful tree. Wrote a story about a "little pilgrim girl named Ella..."
Made a timeline of the pilgrims trek from England to America and their first year. Marked their journey on our big world map. Wrote some thank you notes. And, of course...made some handprint turkeys.

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Kelly Via said...

It was a great day the day I discovered that I could request books and have them delivered right to my library! Probably my favorite thing about the Wake Co Library!!