a new series: Ezra's Obsessions

By | 8:06 AM 2 comments

Ezra might be a bit obsessive compulsive.

Ok, maybe more than a bit.

We've seen these obsessions go in cycles. He will completely latch on to learning/playing a certain skill or toy and that is ALL he wants to do until he has mastered it. Conquered it. Then he moves on to the next thing.

Here's an example:

I like to call this period of his life the airplane period. I wrote about it here. We literally had dozens and dozens of airplanes made every day. Dozens and dozens.

We also had a train track period.

Then a coloring period.

And now his latest obsession (and this one is a doozy) is his drawing period. He draws all day long. I exaggerate not. All the day long. Cars, trucks, castles, spaceships, letters, letters, and more letters...

I saved all these papers over a 2 day period. Two days.

On the occasion that we have run out of paper or I forced him to take a break from drawing it is not unusual to see him tracing letters out in the air. In the air, folks. I told you this kid is obsessed!

If this obsession is still lasting around Christmastime all he is getting is markers and paper. Grandparents, take note.
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I LOVE it! I CANNOT wait to see what his interests are when he grows up. He will def. master his profession:)

mommajeane said...

He is good at whatever he does compulse to...We were amazed last week at his drawing skills. He certainly will do whatever he chooses and he will do it well.He will be a man with a purpose and he will fill his life well serving this purpose. I am excited to see what he does.We had so much fun together last week....