Swiftly Fly the Years (Ezra turns 13)

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Our God is still in the miracle business, as Ezra has made it to his teenage years.

(Side note: I officially am a mom to three teenagers. How?)

He entered this world tiny and rocking the hairy wizened old man look. 

I remember meeting his eyes the moment they placed him in my arms and being struck by how alert and aware he was. He was so wide eyed. And, oh, he has a dimple! I was so endeared by those wide blue eyes and dimple.

Little did I know how divinely placed that dimple was. 

He was the happiest baby ever. He never (outwardly) expressed any separation anxiety. He lived to smile and wrestle with his Daddy and eat all the fruit and make car noises and take delight in learning early how to push his big sisters buttons.

And now he's 13. 

He still loves to smile, but never for pictures without threatening from me. He still loves to wrestle with his Daddy, but actually gives him a run for his money. His sweet tooth remains strong. No more car noises, but he has strong car opinions. And he has developed mastery over learning how to push every siblings button. 

I've made no secret about how the Lord has used Ezra to sanctify me. Nothing has humbled me more than my parenting journey with this boy. He reveals to me daily how little control I have over anything outside of myself, my reactions, and my choices. 

And so, my endearment to him has moved beyond his dimple and wide blue eyes into a Holy acknowledgement of how needed he has been to my soul. The Holy Spirit has used him to reveal my pride and therefore allowed me the possibility to move to surrender...freedom. 

My dear Ezra,

You will already hate this letter because I called you dear. But, you are dear to me and you'll just have to get over me saying it. You are entering the teenage years and I am so stinkin excited for you. I catch glimpses of the incredible man that is coming...I saw it in the dedication and hard work you exerted this Summer as you mowed lawns with your brother. I see it in the passion and motivation you display when you fully immerse yourself into mountain biking or learning a new piano or violin composition. I see it in the serious way you have taken to your service on the Kidsrock team at church. You are funny - keep working on the timing thing. When you figure it out, and you will, it will serve you and those around you well. My prayer for you this year is for a soft and teachable heart. I love you and like you.


your Mom

p.s. Stop getting so huge.

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