a birthday list (34 for 34)

By | 10:27 AM 3 comments

1. Today is my 34th birthday.

2. Wasn't I just a kid? Like, yesterday? Waiting for the next Christmas?

3. When Jeremiah asked me what I wanted for my birthday I had my answer ready: a rocking chair for the front porch and some time to myself.

4. I am now the proud owner of TWO rocking chairs and am writing this in an empty house.

5. Does that make me old? Asking for a rocking chair and time to myself? Don't really answer that.

6. Jeremiah leaves for Haiti tomorrow.

7. No playset this time, but he is bringing some much needed relief and manpower (and car parts!) to missionary friends and family.

8. As always, I hate seeing him go, but LOVE getting to be a part of this mission...even if I am just in a supporting role at the moment.

9. We got to go on a date this week. A surprise date, which is even better!

10. We saw the movie Lady in Gold on our date. Art history along with WWII history = a good movie for me. Jeremiah was a good sport about it too.

11. We are vehicle shopping at the moment. It's time to retire the VUE...our trusty steed of almost a decade.

12. School is winding down. We are in  the final lessons and getting ready to start our final reviews.

13. I spend the last few weeks homeschool co-op shopping and finally made a decision this week!

14. This is the first year in a loooong time that we've experienced a "true" Spring and we are loving it.

15. By "true" I mean that it wasn't the perpetual Summer of Haiti and the uber quick transition from Winter to Summer of NC. We've had cold nights and warm days.

16. It has made the whole changing clothes over thing a bit tricky as we need both seasons of clothing.

17. The kids are loving playing soccer this Spring!

18. It has been more fun than I expected for me too =)

19. I am in the middle of You and Me Forever by Francis Chan. So stinkin' good.

20. This house is really quiet when its only me here.

21. The older I get the more I realize how little I know.

22. Or maybe I realize how off (immature) my thinking was in my younger years.

23. Some things seem so much more black and white and some issues that were black and white have moved to grey. The aging switcheroo.

24. I also realize how imperfect I am. How dependent on the Lord and the Holy Spirit I am to do anything well. It's freeing and scary and exhilarating and humbling all at the same time.

25. The kids begged me to climb their favorite tree with them. I obliged. And took a picture for proof.

26. Despite my very public affair with dark chocolate, my favorite dessert are either NY style cheesecake, strawberry shortcake, or a simple vanilla sugar cookie.

27. Now I am hungry.

28. This is turning out to be a very long list.

29. I had a scary few minutes this week when I couldn't find Ezra. We were at our Nena's house and I told he him he could go play in the backyard, which he has done numerous times before. This time when it was time to leave I called for him (and called for him...) and looked for him and he was no where to be found. About a million minutes later (probably 3-4) I heard his voice calling back. He had crossed the creek and gone exploring and looked up and didn't know where he was...

30. Ella told me later that I shouldn't have worried because "even if he was kidnapped, the kidnappers would have returned him an hour and half later." 

31. #truth #ohezra

32. If I could have one superpower it would be the ability to teleport. Flying would be fun too. As would the ability to eat whatever I want and still be healthy.

33. If you have made it to this point in this list, I applaud you. Or pity you?

34. I love my life. I wouldn't trade one moment, one difficulty, one struggle, one moment of it for any other life. I am so blessed. Not because I have an amazing husband, 4 cool kids, an awesome supportive family and friends, a purpose and fulfillment in what I do...but because I have the Lord. I know that He is enough. He is more than enough. The older I get the more than enough He gets. 

Bring it on, year 34!
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Erin Snyder said...

happy birthday!!! :)

you might be 34, but i still had to look REALLY close to figure out which blonde hair beauty you were in the tree. :)

deeannaw87@yahoo.com said...

From your brother's Abraham's Girlfriend(means DeeAnna)

Rachel Stern said...

Happy Birthday sister!