new year, same me
By Jennifer | 2:10 PM
The ball has dropped, the Christmas lights are (mostly) down, and the magazine headlines be all screaming about the New Year, New YOU.
New body,
new positive outlook,
time to take charge of your new life,
and my personal organizing strategies to make your crap look better.
Yes, it's true. Crap looks better in a linen bin with a chalkboard label.
And, lest you think I'm completely above it all with my sarcastic talk, I do enjoy setting a few personal goals for a new year. I'm naturally a goal oriented person and I like the process of making and working towards a goal.
Yet, I have come to the realization that a new year doesn't bring a new me. No matter what goals I set or even achieve, I will end 2016 as the same me that started 2016.
And, oh, that is wonderfully and blissfully okay with me.
The pressure is off.
A big learning curve the Lord has worked in my heart over the last few years is that I am at my best when I am at my weakest, for it is there I am most dependent and pressed into Him.
I am free to be me, with all my frailty and weakness and failures.
I can own me.
My identity isn't found it what I do or weigh or succeed at or make or fail at.
I am enough simply because of the fact that He loves me, It's who I am.
He is able. And that is more than enough to carry me through this new year.
Although, I'm not opposed to finding a few of those cute linen bins.
Yes! Yes! And yes! God's grace....
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