VBS...day four

By | 3:05 PM Leave a Comment
Ezra has made quite the rounds this week. As I walk through the church each night I have numerous people stop me...

"That Ezra, he is such a sweetie!"
"You just watch, he'll be walking any day now"
"Man, he is strong"
"He just about jumped out of my arms to see the puppets"
"Let me tell you what he did tonight..."

I love how the nursery workers at Grey Stone love on my son.
They truly didn't just "watch" him this week. They played with him, strolled him all over the church and parking lot, got him to take his first steps walking behind a walker, put him in his pajamas & lotioned him up for me every night, and just loved on him. He smelled like perfume every night from all the hugs and kisses =)

Apparently on their nightly rounds, he would reach out to different people and practically lunge himself into their arms. We are really going to have to work on getting him to come out of his shell =)
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