God came down

By | 6:28 AM 1 comment

All this took place to fulfill what the Lord had said through the prophet: The virgin will be with child and will give birth to a son, and they will call him, Immanuel, which means, "God with us." Matthew 1:22-23

I found Djouna sitting behind the coconut tree.


The ugly-I-have-lost-complete-control kind of crying.

Some of our kids cry. A lot. Over anything or everything.

Djouna is not one of those...

"Sa ga la Djouna?" (what's wrong)

More tears. And more tears. So I just scooped her up in my lap (she's not bigger than a minute) and held her while she wet my shoulder. She managed to stutter out the reason for her tears after a few minutes.

"I miss my mom."

And then I joined her in her tears and we cried together.

The promise held in the name of Jesus as Immanuel, God with us, is something I have never grasped the depth of until this Christmas. Until I held a sobbing girl who misses her Mommy who hasn't come for her. The only comfort I can offer during these interactions (because sadly, this is not an isolated incident...) is the comfort that God is with them.

It's not a trite phrase I throw out without thinking or meaning. It is a powerful promise that I can offer to these precious children that no matter what happens in their life...their God is with them. He's not far removed, uninterested, and uncaring. He is involved, a comfort to the brokenhearted, and a father to the fatherless.

I know this because it is true in my life.
In the hardest adventure of my life here in Haiti he has been with me.
Every hard moment and every joy filled moment...

As he will be for Djouna.

Djouna on a happier day...getting her excellent report card from school last week!
Pray for the kids here at the mission (and all over Haiti) who live with the reality of abandonment every day. Pray for their little hearts, that they might come to know just how much God is with them.

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Marsha said...
