simple pleasures (of my week)

By | 7:42 AM 2 comments

Warm spring days.

Watching my baby discover the grass for the first time.

A husband who thinks I'm actually beautiful in the morning.

My house starting to really feel like home.

Eli's random declaration of "God's not dead!" from the backseat of the van.

A date (tonight!) with my favorite guy thanks to the generosity of a new friend.

Ezra's "letter" to me...random letters that spell out what he wants them to.

Finding a Kroger right by me. (Sorry Harris Teeter...I just don't like you as much.)

Ella walking around the house with a book in her face because she can't stop reading these days.

Waking up with this song in my head.


What have you been enjoying this week?
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We got an Ezra note this week, too! We love your family!! :)

mommajeane said...

Just seeing her pic is a pleasure for me :)