the blues

By | 7:40 AM 1 comment
Not really like depressed blues...

More like we are all turning blue. 

From eating too many of these...

We found a little berry farm that is just a few short minutes from our house. I do believe we are keeping it in business, going every couple of days and picking just enough to eat on until the next visit. Unless you are Ezra, and you decided just to eat the entire bowl full of blueberries sitting on the counter. He, um, learned his lesson the hard way the following day...if you know what I mean. 

I've decided that blueberry picking is the perfect outing for my crew. They all love it. We get outside. It is inexpensive. And there is nothing like eating what your hands have actually picked. (Not to include boogers in that same category, of course.)

The fields are "blue" to harvest...

It didn't take this little girl long to figure it out!
Look how excited she is to be here!

Re-locating to find a better spot.

 And finally, because I am the queen of keeping it real... I don't think Eli got the memo about the boogers...
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 If you are a local, go here to find more info and directions to our new favorite place!

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mommajeane said...

Eli is so funny...I can tell he also dressed himself.