Some incredible stuff

By | 11:09 PM Leave a Comment
Today was a great day. I finally got into the ministry track that I came here for and I have to tell you that I have been soaking up a ton of great stuff. From the theological to the practical, I am getting it all. I have met some great people and have come to the realization that I am not alone in this whole ministry thing. One of the things I came to realize today is that I am a blessed man. I have a wife who loves and supports me far more than I deserve. I have two healthy and beautiful children. I have some of the best leaders in the world. I have pastor who is supportive and encouraging. I have students who want to know Christ. And I am a position to do absolutely everything I love from leading worship and discipling students, to spending time with my family and raising my kids. I cannot believe how God has put me in such a great situation.
A cool thing happened today. At our first small group meeting we were sent on a picture scavenger hunt which my team, HD, won. At our second session they gave us all a gift. It was a framed group picture that we had taken. I thought this was a great thing to do. Hmmmm...a little memento for you guys. I am looking forward to tomorrow. Its late, I am beat, goodnight.
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