The conference is officially a thing of the past. I am sitting in the great Cincinnati airport waiting for my delayed flight and thinking about all that I have learned these past few days. I have to be honest, I am having a hard time putting it all into words. As you probably noticed by my previous posts. The wealth of knowledge I have gained is overwhelming. I believe that this weekend could totally change the face of Eikon Student Ministries and change the way I serve our kids. I am encouraged, enlightened, and enthused about what will happen as we pursue God's best for this ministry. Right now my wife is driving back from Maryland, alone, with a sick 2 year old, and a 5 month old. I absolutely hate that I am not with her. I would love the power of teleportation and healing right now. Unfortunately I forgot to pack either one. My wife is great though, and she is strong, and she will make it. I just wish I could be there to help her. If you read this sometime this morning, pray for her. Give her a call and encourage her.
I was asked by another Student Pastor this morning if the conference was worth leaving my family for. I told him that nothing was worth that, but it was worth the price of admission. Next year, my family comes with me.
About Me
Jesus follower. Lover of all things Hambrick. Wisdom and whimsy seeker.
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Aww, it's 10pm and I'm just now reading this. I guess it's too late to call. Jenn, sorry it's such a yucky trip home=( Don't worry your hubby is home!! Next time you should just drive 2 hours and come stay with me=)
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Oh I am sorry Jenn...poor Ella. Poor Mommy. Poor Ezra. Poor Daddy. I didn't read this one until now, so I am a little late, but I hope that the trip was not too terrible. Jenn is a great mom; if anyone could do it, she could do it!
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