Hidden talent

By | 4:36 PM 1 comment
A little known fact about Jeremiah is that he is REALLY good at taking care of me and the kids when we are sick.

I'll even admit...as hard as it is for me..that he is probably better than me at taking care of the kids when they are sick.

He is extremely patient and always thinking of ways to make us more comfortable...like putting extra padding in Ezra's pac-n-play because he thought it wasn't soft enough and sleeping on the couch so I can have the whole bed to stretch out in.

I always put him to the test when I am pregnant...but this week has got to go in the record books. I've had some kind of sinus infection-flu like thingie on top of my normal 1st trimester yuckiness. Ezra has a double ear infection and sinus infection...and cut 3 new teeth. Thankfully, Ella hasn't succumbed...yet.

I couldn't ask for a better husband (or at home doctor) than my Jeremiah, and I am so very thankful for him.
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I hope you all are feeling better soon and that Jeremiah and Ella will NOT get it!! Jeremiah's got the gift of compassion like his daddy. I love that about them!