The teacher becomes the student...

By | 1:40 PM 2 comments

Some things my children have been teaching me lately:
  • Slow down: An ant's journey across the driveway really is worth watching.
  • Smile at strangers: Ezra's dimpled grin always seems to brighten their faces.
  • How much fun it is to jump off the sofa and climb a tree.
  • A happy heart brings good to me and those around me, a bad attitude spoils everything.
  • Experiment more: Seeing what happens when we mix the red paint with the yellow paint is a fun surprise.
  • Exercise is more fun when you are having fun: Shaking our dancing booty's to the maracas as Ezra throws down a beat or doing "runs" on the trampoline.
  • Laughter is contagious. So is whining. Choose laughter.
  • When in doubt, say I love you.

Matthew 11:25

At that time Jesus said, "I praise you Father, Lord of heaven and earth, because you have hidden these things from the wise and learned and revealed them to the little children."

What have your kids been teaching you lately?

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Sheri said...

Throwing a blanket over the kitchen table and calling it a tent is a wonderful thing.

There is nothing wrong with playing in the rain.

I agree with you about slowing down the kids have been showing me a lot lately that there is so much to see and I miss it every single day.

Oh I love this post!