thursday thoughts

By | 4:06 PM 1 comment

In two days...


I was at wal-mart this week buying a candle for his cake.
It was late, Jeremiah was home putting the kids in bed.
I was tired.
Tired, tired.

Then in my peripheral vision I saw this #5 candle making its way down the check out belt.
It hit me then.


My Ezra is turning five.

Yes, I teared up then. Standing in the check out aisle of wal-mart on a Monday night at 9pm.

I'm telling you...Wal-Mart does not bring out the best in people.

The weather has been beautiful this week. Absolutely perfect. We have all but lived outside and visited various parks all week. Which may be why Ella is covered in bug bites. We stopped counting at 37. Poor thing.

It almost sent me into a panic thinking it was scabies again. I.AM.NOT.EXAGGERATING.AT.ALL. when I say that I would rather all of us have strep throat + a stomach bug + ear infections + colds + some other form of illness that won't kill you than go through scabies again.

But, I digress...

We are excited to make a quick trip to Virginia tomorrow for a family wedding.

Which is another reason why I am glad to be homeschooling. This week we have had to be quite creative in getting our school know, seeing as how we had to check out all the local parks and take advantage of the weather and all...and we have been doing school in the evenings. Ella even managed to work ahead to compensate for missing tomorrow. I tell you that girl is quite the planner.

Zoe has been something else this week. A cute something else, thank goodness. I am honestly a little afraid of the strong will I see in her. It reminds me of a certain almost five year old boy child of mine...not to name any names, of course.

Here's to a weekend of weddings, birthdays, and (hopefully!) lots of happy hearts...

Happy Thursday!

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Erin Snyder said...

how often did we say Zoe was going to be the girl version of Ezra while you were pregnant?? :)