Better late than never, eh.
Freudian slip?
It's possible.
She may be just a few weeks into her one year old status, but she is rockin' it like a pro. This girl is a fire cracker AND a sweetheart and I don't believe there is another one year old in this world who is loved like her.
Some details for the sake of posterity. And so I can refer back to this whenever I decide to fill in her baby book.
Little girl is just shy of 22lbs and is 30in tall, placing her in the 75% in both categories. According to her doctor her "gross motor skills are remarkably advanced." It's not bragging when it comes from a doctor, right?! She loves to walk, run, climb, and pretend to do pull ups on our bar.
She can say mama, dada, baby, uh-oh, ella, eli, and doctor. We are pretty sure she isn't actually saying doctor, but can't figure out what she really is trying to say. She can copy the intonation of thank you and love you too. Strong and smart, this one is.
Still sleeps around 11-12 hours at night, usually 8pm - 7-8am. Lately she has been sleeping in till 9 a few mornings and skipping her morning nap. Still loves her paci and blanket at nap and bedtimes and now sleeps with a pillow. And miracle of miracles she is still allowing me to rock her to sleep at bedtime.
The girl is busy. Loves her baby dolls and books and any kind of take out, put back in kind of game. She loves to chase one of her siblings around the kitchen island or be chased. Loves to jump on the trampoline. Anytime I put music on in the house she comes running to me...she knows I can't resist and we dance. I'm such a sucker for her cuteness.
She isn't shy and enters most new environments with little hesitation. Usually.
We seem to grow kids with strong personalities and Zoe is no exception. She already has a very developed idea of how things should be and isn't afraid to voice this when things don't go her way. I am already having to tell the older kids not to give in to her when she yells. I told you she was at risk of being spoiled, didn't I?
I love that she is holding onto that dark hair.
I love that she isn't afraid to rush into the boys wrestling matches.
I love that she knows she is loved. Not that she can verbally express it, but I can just look at her happy sparkly eyes and know that she knows that we all adore her. We do.
What a blessing she is.
Thank you Lord, for allowing me to do this baby thing one more time. Thank you for allowing me to realize how fleeting these baby moments are and to truly savor her 1st year of life. Thank you that this is just the beginning of the incredible life you have planned for her.
I know she is yours, but I'm so glad you chose her to be mine for this time.
Happy One Year Zoe!
About Me
Jesus follower. Lover of all things Hambrick. Wisdom and whimsy seeker.
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