Memory Monday

By | 9:51 AM 2 comments
About 6 weeks ago, during one of my quiet times I was really convicted about how poorly I have been at "hiding God's word in my heart". I can memorize all the words to every cd I own, what times & channels my favorite tv shows are on, how many calories I burn in 30 min of running vs. 30 min of pilates...but always just copped out on memorizing scriptures because "I'm not really good at memorizing" and "I know the gist of that scripture...that's good enough." At the time I was reading (upon recommendation from friends Tasha Via and Becky Oddy) Ginger Plowman's "Wise Words for Moms"...a wonderful parenting tool for using scriptures to reach the heart of your child. As I was reading it, I had a lightbulb...or DUH!...moment. I pray every day that the hearts of Ella and Ezra will be soft towards the Lord. I pray they will love his word. There is no greater desire for me as a mom.

But, how was I doing with loving his word? Not just reading it during my quiet time, but hiding it away in my heart, calling upon it throughout my day to change my actions and attitudes and behavior?

Being the type A, take charge, list-making kind of person I am...I came up with a plan. I would memorize 1 scripture a week. I knew I could probably handle more than 1 a week, but I wanted to truly meditate and bury that scripture into my life.

So, that's what I've been doing. And I can honestly say (and the reason for writing this today) that I have not experienced more intense spiritual growth in my life than in these past 6 weeks. God's word truly is life changing and life giving!

Some of the scriptures I have been memorizing: Eph 4:29, Phil 2:3-4, Titus 2:11, Phil 2:14, Phil 4:6-7.

This weeks scripture is Prov. 12:22 "The Lord detests lying lips, but he DELIGHTS in those who are truthful."

I want to become the woman talked about in Pro 31 where I "speak with wisdom, and faithful instruction is on (my) tongue." (vs.26)

I am going to start a "Memory Monday" segment on my blog...and post the new scriptures I am learning every Monday. It'll help keep me accountable to keep up with this and hopefully encourage your hearts as well.
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I love it. It will help me on my journey too. That is the exact same goal I committed myself to when I read the book. we can do it together!!

Smooth said...

I very encouraging word Jenn. Love it. The Lord has been working in my heart to be the Mom He wants me to be: so this was encouraging to me. I must comment on the time stamp of this blog. 6:51am...really? What in this world? Way to go on getting up before the sun.