What I'll Miss...

By | 8:07 AM 1 comment
We are losing our downstairs roomies.

It's moving day for Josh and Tasha and the kids.

We truly have enjoyed their company and I thought I'd write down (for posterity sake) some of the things I am going to miss:

- The smell of their coffee...

- Built in playmates for the kids...

- Tag-teaming on the meals (what are we going to make for dinner tonight?)...

- Date swap...

- Cai's smiles...

- Josh and Jeremiah's serenades to each other...

- Hearing Zeke say "Um, Uncle Palw"...

- Company on my usually lonely Wednesday nights (who is going to watch ANTM with me now?)...

Oh wait, we weren't supposed to admit we watch that show!

Ooops =)

- Adult conversation throughout the day...

We sure have made some (more) good memories these past three weeks!
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We miss ya'll too=) but am already marking down playdates and trips to IKEA on my calendar;)