Confessions of a Mom on Mother's Day

By | 5:46 PM 2 comments

Mother's Day.

Oh, the pressure. I really just wish sometimes we didn't have holidays built around these things. really am I supposed to adequately thank my mom for all she has been in my life? really am I supposed to thank my mother in law for all she means to me? really can I adequately communicate to my adopted mother in law how grateful I am for her influence in my life?

A card? Some flowers? A phone call?

Yeah. Didn't think so.

And so I don't. And then I feel like a slacker.

And since I am several hours and states away from being able to actually visit any of my mom's...the pressure just intensifies. Not from them mind you. No. Remember, they are all amazing and wouldn't ever put unnecessary pressure on me. The pressure comes because I want them to know just how much I love them. And a day built up around telling them how much you love them creates a lot of pressure.

And then I feel for Jeremiah. Mother's Day always falls on a Sunday. Which, for a pastor...kinda sucks. I know he'd like to do the whole breakfast in bed thing...but he has to be gone before I even open my eyes on Sunday mornings.

And lets be kids are still too young to even (really) get the whole Mother's Day concept. So my mind builds up unrealistic expectations of a whole day filled with no fighting and happy hearts and homemade cards. Which are, of course, dashed upon the rocks before breakfast is over.

So I choose today to let my husband off the hook. After all, he does an AMAZING job the other 364 days out of the year for making me feel appreciated. And my children are a blessing...based on their position of just being my children. Not because of something extra they did for me today.

And I make a mental notation for me to be more intentional about communicating to all my special moms just how incredible they are to me...all throughout the year.

Not just on this designated day.


P.S. Happy Mother's Day!
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Sha Zam- said...

I totally get this today! Happy MOnday to you

Thank you so much Jenn. You know I love you and am so proud of the godly woman you have become.
Happy Mother's Day to you sweetie.