thursday thoughts: all about the Eli

By | 2:03 PM 4 comments

Today is Eli's real birthday.
(He has a "birth certificate" birthday that has him 6 months older, but we know this is his real day of birth, and so we choose to celebrate it on this day.)

I can't believe he is five years old.
A whole five years old.

That sounds so grown up.
And he is...growing up.
Getting bigger.
Learning new things.
Having adventures.
Enjoying his new friends and church and house.
A bike riding fool.
Swing pumping strong.
And, he loves to bug his older sister.

And so, five things I love about my favorite five year old...

1) I love his adventurous taste buds. The boy will try anything and likes most of it!

2) I love his gentleness. He just has a soft and quiet way about him, but at the same time doesn't allow himself to be pushed over.

3) I love his crazy dance moves. I'm not sure if it is the Ethiopian in him or if it is all his thing...but the boy dances in a crazy uncoordinated way that strangely seems coordinated.

4) I love his smile. Sometimes shy. Sometimes silly. Most of the time easily given.

5) I love how brave he is. Moving away from all that was familiar into total unfamiliarity...he taught us all about what it means to be brave. He wasn't without fear, but he chose to trust. And I'm so glad he did.

Headed out for a special birthday breakfast with just Daddy!

Happy Birthday sweet sweet Eli Cade...we love you!

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mommajeane said...

We love all those things about him too. He looks so big now and grown up...Can't wait to celebrate the day of his birth you Eli from lots of family up North :)

S, E, or O said...

Happy Birthday Eli!

Briana said...

this post makes me so happy. oh so happy. what a cute cutie you have there.

Catelyn said...

Happy Birthday Eli. I love you