Photojournal, part two: remembering

By | 7:09 AM 4 comments

I wrote about our trip back to the farm earlier this week for some apple picking. While we were there we were able to get in touch with the current residents of the farm and they more than graciously allowed us to walk around the property.

It was my first time back to the farm since we moved and I won't lie...I miss the openness and the fields and the freedom to just let the kids roam and explore and climb trees. I miss my sanity walk down the driveway every afternoon to get the mail. I miss the space and the sounds and the barns and the pond. The birds. The butterflies. The memories...

However, I don't miss mowing the grass at all and I kept reminding myself of that in order to hold back the tears, ha!

Checking out the new horses in the field...willing them to come over =) 
Despite Zoe's sad face...I am happy to have a picture of all four kids by the fence. 
The gate, the gate! I didn't have to coach this picture at all.

All of the gang on the famous walk around the pond...

We found fairy tables...

and feathers...

and frogs.

Zoe found the boat...

Ella had to catch a ride on the wibbly-wobbly swing, of course.
I know we are where we are supposed to be. I know it. That said, it was a great day being able to return to where we hold so many fond memories. Its hard to believe we are coming up on a year since we moved. What a treasure for me to now have a new memory, one that includes Zoe, of one of our favorite places on this earth.

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Erin Snyder said...

love these pics! ella looks so tall and grown up! :)

mommajeane said...

I so know that feeling Jenn...I was wondering how all of you would react. We loved visiting you at the farm too. Glad you got to revisit a fond and happy memory place.

Oh my, the pictures, the memories...

I don't think I could have handled that:(

Glad you got to go back!

DebHambrick said...

awww, I miss that place too! Love the pictures! Zoe's profile looks just like Jeremiah in that pic. Love it! Glad you got to go back and revisit, but also glad that you are able to Know that you Know you are where God wants you now.

Love and miss you all!! Hope to see you next month!

Hugs and kisses to all!