the gap that wasn't

By | 2:34 PM 4 comments
I worried about the 6 year gap between Ella and Zoe. 
Would they ever be close being so far apart in age. 
(Far apart at least in our standards...I realize that having kids so close together isn't done by every family, ha!)

Oh, silly, silly me...

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DebHambrick said...

I love these pics! Pat and I are 11 years apart and when we are out, two peas in a pod. I am sure Ella and Zoe will be the same way, I mean look at them!! Too cute!

mommajeane said...

I love the pictures…love them. They are adorable.

JustBAMom said...

My sister and I are twelve years apart. We are so close that people mistake us for twins. We complete eachother's thoughts and know more about eachother than anyone else. I cannot imagine my life without her. Years do not mean anything. What matters is the creation of a bond that grows through love.

Kelly Via said...

Super Cute! I love these!