Day at the museum...

By | 3:52 PM 2 comments
We spent some family time yesterday visiting the Raleigh Science Museum. We always have a lot of fun...and best of's FREE!

Starting out

Ella kept saying,"Look at his big teef"!!!

Hiding in the giant tree

Sharks and dolphins and fishes, oh my!

I think Ezra thought these guys were a giant dinosaur mobile =)

The necessary bottle and diaper change break

Gotta love the self-timer feature
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the broomes said...

What a FUN day!!! And best of all, it was free!!! I loved the V-day tributes that ya'll posted for each other as precious! Such a reminder of how blessed we all really our with our wonderful, godly hubbies!

Briana said...

fun! i can't get over how much Ella looks like you, wow.

p.s. I'm proud of you keeping in shape after 2 kids. Not something people tell you much but wanted you to know, you look great.

love ya