ribbit. hiss.

By | 4:00 PM 6 comments
Our tadpoles were released into the pond this week. They had gotten gargantuan and sprouted legs and were quickly outgrowing their container. I really think we might have overfed them...because they are about three times the size of the other tadpoles in the pond. Oops.

Releasing them was not done without some tears from some of our more sensitive children (ahem, NOT Ezra) and we have had to go visit them at the pond every day since. Ella claims to be able to recognize which ones are "hers."

We are inundated with baby frogs around the yard this week too. At one point Ella had nine of them caught in her little hand. She is such an interesting dichotomy of girlishness and tomboy. Right before she went outside she had put make up on and was of course wearing a dress. Which soon was covered in mud and her hands were full of frogs.

Love it.
Love her.

Unbeknownst to me and without permission, Ezra snuck two frogs into our house and then promptly lost them in our house this week.


He came to me in tears, wailing that he "just wanted to let them out to play with my cars with me." Some lessons are learned the hard way, huh.

After searching high and low...they are still nowhere to be found. And I fear the worst for them. But mostly I fear finding one of them in the middle of the night during one of my numerous treks to the bathroom.

I keep telling myself that at least it wasn't a snake. Or two.

And Eli. Well...Eli likes to look at them, but heaven forbid you suggest he actually hold one. Insert freak out moment. Perhaps one of these days he might just touch one with a finger.

And speaking of snakes. This ones for you Mom...because I know you just love the scaly things.

The snake, people. Not my husband.

Ella found this bad boy in our driveway this week. Oh, the excitement that abounded from my children at this discovery. Really, you'd think we live on a farm or something.

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Kelly Via said...

Gosh. Your snakes give me the hibbley-jibblies!! I still walk past your front bushes with caution!!

Pam said...

Girl, you are an amazing gal!! Frogs in the house and snakes in the yard...eek!!

Catelyn said...

I am so glad your snake friend decided to visit when I did not...Everything else there is pretty cool but you can keep the snakes...

Careful, you might find your frog a little crispy and cuddled up in the linen closet like ours, ha!

I am in absolute agreement with Kelly...your snakes give me the hibbley-jibblies too!

ADawson said...

Sure hope the snakes don't come in the house after the frogs :-)

the thought of those frogs in your house is giving me the heebie jeebies! i hope you don't find them rotting dead somewhere or step on one!