Contentment Experiment, wrap-up

By | 11:39 AM 2 comments
To read the contentment experiment introduction, click here.

Our two weeks of experiment finished about a week ago...

Truthfully, it was harder for me than I thought it would be. I thought at the big deal, I really like not spending money.

Remember, I am frugal to the core =)

And really, it wasn't the lack of spending money that was was realizing how much I really do depend on acquiring things (even if they are deals!) for a rush of happy feelings. Realizing that I can be lazy and not want to deal with the mess of one more meal or the mundane-ness of peanut butter lets just eat out. Realizing that I choose to be "picked up" by a starbucks coffee verses reaching out to my "living water" during moments of stress.

Yes, me...supposedly already content me.

Now, I'm not going off the deep end...I know that the Lord is the "giver of all good things" and there is no guilt to be found in enjoying all the incredible things he has blessed me with! But...I was reminded over the two weeks of my need to continually renew my mind to find my true and deep-down contentment in my relationship with my Lord.

It was a great experience and a great reality check. I realize this isn't something that I just learn once...but, it is something I will have to keep reminding myself of over and over again.
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I think that was a GREAT experiment! I think that just being aware makes a world of difference in our attitudes=)
Love ya, Jenn!!

Becky Swann said...

I like your honesty, you are good at reminding me too through your blog!