**You might want to read here to catch up if you don't remember**
Despite the disaster we still go to the library every Tuesday.
We just don't go to story hour.
We either go before or after or while story hour is going on and the library is so nice and quiet.
Well, it has been several months and Ezra is now 19 months old and I thought we would give the boy a second chance at redeeming himself at the local library =)
So, off we headed this morning.
I told Ella on the way there that we were actually going to story hour today and she told me, "Oh no, Ezra is going to be a dinosaur!"
I assured her that if that happened again we would just leave and play in the kids section and pick out our own books like we normally do.
I gave Ezra "the talk" while walking into the library. I'm not sure that any of my words made sense but his eyes sure were big and round and serious as he listened to me =)
...and he did remarkably well.
Actually, maybe well is too strong of a word.
...he did remarkably better!
What a difference a few months can make.
He did have more fun walking around the room and trying to get all the other mommies to smile at him, and trying to steal other "friends" snacks, and climbing onto the chairs and off of the chairs and onto the chairs and off of the chairs...than actually singing the songs and listening to the storyteller.
But, hey...at least we didn't have a wild t-rex roaming the room this time!
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