there and back again

By | 2:32 PM 2 comments

We have had quite the week around here. But, we actually haven't been around here around here. Nope, on Monday we headed up to my parents house (6 hours away), spent Tuesday visiting with them, left the older three with them and headed home on Wednesday. Then the three of us left early Thursday for Caswell Beach for a staff retreat for The Creek, only to finally make it back home Saturday night. And to top things off, Jeremiah left Sunday afternoon to meet my dad halfway and pick up the older three kiddo's...and finally make it back home late last night.


Did you catch all that?

Yeah, me neither.

As crazy as it was, we had a great week! Zoe did awesome considering the hours of her life that were spent in a car seat and shuffled around here and there and everywhere. She actually choose last week to start sleeping through the night for us. Perfect timing.

Zoe enjoyed getting some love from her Uncle Luke.

I learned a few things this week:

Always pack more diapers than you think you are going to need.
Ditto for the wipes.
I love the staff at our new church and am so excited to do life and ministry with them.
Why do I even bother bringing the camera?
My older three kids are really getting...well, older.
I really (really) enjoy eating food that other people cook.
There is no place like home.

Happy Monday!
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Erica said...

Oh my goodness, I hope you didn't run out of diapers/wipes at the retreat! I was totally going to replace the one I used, but forgot of course (I am always forgetting things)!!!

Glad you are all together at home again =)

Tricia said...

It was probably because Jeremiah kept throwing them at people....oh wait, I forgot those were the dirty ones he was throwing around!