Paci Boot Camp: Day 2 (morning)

By | 7:44 AM 2 comments
We made it through the first day.

Besides the melt down early in the day it has gone relatively smooth. He has asked for his paci often but the reality of it being gone seemed to sink in throughout the day. He went down for his nap like normal around 1:30pm, but it was close to 4pm before he actually fell asleep. But, he did fall asleep! And he didn't cry or whine but was very playful and not able to settle down.

Bedtime last night was hard. He only asked for his paci once, but he was very restless and unsettled (and crying and whining) going to bed. I ended up laying with him and rubbing his back for a while and he calmed down and drifted off.

I was all set to be up with him through the night but we didn't hear a peep from him until this morning, albeit about an hour earlier than normal...but I'm not complaining!

I'm sure today will be easier...and the next day easier...

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Pam said...

YAY!! It seems to be going easy for you too! An answer to prayer for sure for the Hambricks!

Kelly Via said...

That's awesome!! Way to go Ezra!