Rage against the Minivan

By | 3:44 PM 6 comments
Well. It has happened.

We officially have traded in our coolness points (the 2.5 that we had) in lieu of a minivan.

What can I say? It has sliding doors that open at the push of a button and leather seats. And a dvd player. A trunk big enough to hold my ginormous stroller and our groceries. And heated seats.

Oh yes...it fit in our budget, has room for 5 carseats (just planning ahead...), and had relatively low miles. Once again, God provides.

I have never been so happy to lose coolness points.

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WooHoo for minivans=)

You have just arrived! ;-) Nice Nice! I am so excited for you! It looks GREAT!

George said...

You are WAY COOLER now that you have a minivan, by the way. Love it!

Yay! I don't know - you might have actually bumped up your coolness factor. :)

Kelly Via said...

Welcome to the club!! I say you just added coolness points as well!! I love it! I love all your pics and all the cool toys that your van has!!

Stevo said...

sweet! Can jeremiah and i take it to cici's sometime soon? Pretty please?