Because naps ARE. NOT. AN. OPTION. today.
Ezra is having what I fondly refer to as a craigslist week. Not a craigslist day. A craiglist WEEK.
For those of you not in the know...that is when I feel like putting him up for sale on craigslist. Bless his little heart.
I know he is jealous of Eli. I know his little world has been rocked. I know he doesn't have the vocabulary or emotional capacity to express those feelings. I know it just takes patience, a little extra attention, and time. Lots of time.
I know. I know. I know.
Really. I know.
But tell that to my wedding album which is now missing two pages. And my headboard on my bed which is now completely broken. And two of my bedroom lamps which are missing shades. And my heart that just aches for my happy boy again.
I want to just squeeze into him these messages...
Mommy and Daddy love you.
It doesn't matter what you do...we will still love you.
You might as well get used to things...cause they aren't changing.
Having to share and wait are really good will thank us someday.
Naps. Are. Not. Optional. (neither is bedtime)
Trust us.
I'm pretty sure there is great spiritual implications for all of us in this stage Ezra is playing out.
I am just too tired at the moment to write it all out.
So, there you go. You now have an assignment. Leave me a comment with a verse or application for this situation =)
I cannot imagine all of the emotions that you guys are experiencing. For you, Jen, I just want you to know that I am praying for you and thinking about you. I think that you are an amazing woman for what you (and Jeremiah) are doing. As a mom, I know that alot of the work is your's to do. That's just part of being a mom. (((HUGS))) and lots of love and prayers to you today and everyday!
The 1st thought that came into my mind was:
This Too Shall Pass
So I found this poem online and thought it would be good to read.
Appropriately titled: This too shall pass
If I can endure for this minute
Whatever is happening to me,
No matter how heavy my heart is
Or how dark the moment may be-
If I can remain calm and quiet
With all the world crashing about me,
Secure in the knowledge God loves me
When everyone else seems to doubt me-
If I can but keep on believing
What I know in my heart to be true,
That darkness will fade with the morning
And that this will pass away, too-
Then nothing in life can defeat me
For as long as this knowledge remains
I can suffer whatever is happening
For I know God will break all of the chains
That are binding me tight in the darkness
And trying to fill me with fear-
For there is no night without dawning
And I know that my morning is near.
...Helen Steiner Rice
Just know that you are thought of and cared for! Ezra will get better and one day you will be able to look back on these moments and laugh ... ok maybe not laugh but at least sigh in relief that that moment is over :-)
I don't have a deep thought, but looking at the picture, you can see that God gave Ezra serious protective covering. That's got to be why He makes them so adorable! I don't know how you post things on craigslist, and I'm not fixin' to learn....too tempting for me!
This too shall pass...right?:)
Jenn, you are doing such an amazing job. Just watching you speak truth to all three of your kids today, each individually and together, was so sweet. Transitions are so hard. Hang in there.
Besides, you've always got Craigslist as a back up!
Put him in a box and mail him to us for a few days.... I'd love to spend some time with that little rascal :) We love you guys and you are doing a fantastic job ! I am so proud of your family and one day the Lord will surely use all of the energy and spirit in a mighty way.
I used to be one of THOSE people that said, "My kids will NEVER act like THAT!"
Then I had kids.....ahem
Darling - you are now the proud owner of a 2-year-old BOY! There's just no easy way around it. He'll be your best bud again right about the time your precious daughter hits thirteen. muahaahaa!!
Hang on!
I like the Sara Groves song "It's Going to be Alright" for moments like these...
"We can change the world inside our own houses. Take the gift of this moment and make something beautiful of it. Few worthwhile experiences just happen; memories are made on purpose." - Gloria Gaither
We knew you all briefly while in seminary through the Via's. I've loved following your adoption and our middle child also has her craigslist days. However, I have no verse or wisdom cause I am right there with you today. I sometimes put all 3 kids in our van and turn the dvd player on and just catch my breath, pray etc....or when Mike gets home I take just Anna on a walk or to just have some one on one time. It is so hard in the moment!
I was just thinking recently that what matters most to a child is that we be a safe, loving place... Sometimes for me that means just sitting on the couch, and ignoring the mess all around us, and reading a book.
You can get through this! Little Ezra is going through a major transition, and he's TWO. Um, let me say that again, he's TWO. :) It sounds like he's doing similar things as Samuel right now. I have days I could pull my hair out...or scream....or cry...or just go lock myself into the bathroom and pray. My girls never went through the TWOs like this. Everyone says boys are different, and they sure are, but they are also so loveable. You sound like an amazing mom, though, and you will get through this stage. And yes, Ezra will thank you later! :)
Blessings for a better day and a long nap time....
I have to also say this...
My girls are now 9.5 (ouch--almost double digits) and 8. I absolutely am amazed at how fast my time with them is passing by. When my "little man" terrorizes us or our things in an effort to gain attention, after I discipline him, I think of how time is passing, and I try to rethink my own plans, etc. The laundry really can wait for a little while longer, the sinks and toilets can be scrubbed another day, and dinner can be as simple as something tossed into the crock pot or a frozen pizza with a simple salad. I remember a friend telling me when I had my first, that it really doesn't matter what the house looks (or smells like). She told me this specifically, and I will never forget--a clean house is a sign that the mom isn't focusing on her #1 job---taking care of the kids and making messes with them! :) That was hard for me to swallow, because of my HGTV mind frame. Anyway, enjoy these crazy, hectic moments as best as you can. They pass way too quickly. Love on those three little ones.
It helps me, in this madness of caring for my two year old and trying to console my girls when the two year old breaks something of theirs, to wake up each morning to saying this Proverb, "Commit to the Lord whatever you do, and your plans will succeed."
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