Not Me Monday

By | 3:31 PM 3 comments
I am always a prepared mommy, thinking ahead of all possible situations and planning accordingly.

Therefore I didn't have the kids with me at a doctors appointment that ended up lasting over 3 hours, hours way past lunchtime, and ended up splitting a box of raisins between them...because that is all I had in my purse.

And I didn't look the other way when one of them dropped one of their precious rations on the floor and picked it up and ate it.

I do not tell my kids that "it's for the baby" when they see me eating/drinking something they want.

And I do not say that phrase apparently way too often because my son did not tell me he had a baby in his tummy and needed some food for his baby. Food that he didn't have to share with anyone cause it was "for his baby."

Oh no. Not me.
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ohhh that is so funny!!! Feed that poor child! ;-)

I can't stop laughing!

Love you!

Mom H.

ADawson said...

Which son was this??? :)

Stacey said...

FunE! Laughed out loud here. Live and learn I guess. If not, I'm sure the kids won't let you forget! =)