
By | 3:29 PM 2 comments
I've said it before, but it bears repeating. Perspective is a gift.

As it is so easy for me to get caught up in the negative...

Oh, I still feel awful. I just want to feel better.
Money is so so so tight. When is it never tight?
Ugh, time to cook dinner again.
Really, am I ever going to feel better again?

I have to pray intentionally that the Lord blesses me with the gift of perspective.

Sometimes I am gently brought to remember what I am blessed with. Like through this post.

And sometimes, upon hearing news of a dear friends pregnancy loss this week, it is a sad and heart breaking moment when I am faced with what reality could be. A reality I've gone through before.

Either way.

Perspective is a gift.

And I've been given a healthy dose of it this week.
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