I'll Take That

By | 4:34 PM 3 comments
A sweet elderly gentleman told me that my "brother and sister are such cuties" while standing in line at the store the other day.

Um, brother and sister?

I looked over my shoulder and then over the other shoulder to see what he was talking about.

No brothers or sisters within 6 hours of me.

Only Ella and Ezra.

My children.

I laughed out loud (quite awkwardly loud I admit) and corrected the gentleman and explained, "Oh no, these are my kids!"

He seemed genuinely surprised at my correction.

I couldn't help but keep smiling for at least an hour afterward.

Is it bad to have your ego boosted by a seventy-something year old man?
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trina said...

When my oldest three were little, I was accused of being the babysitter. I loved those comments. I haven't gotten those comments in a long time so guess they must know they are ALL mine..even the ones that don't look like me. :)

Jeanne said...

I worry about being called the grandma, although it hasn't happened yet, thank God! Sometimes people think Alli is TJ's mom.

Briana said...

that's awesome. You should have said, "good thing my 18 yr old isn't with me today." see what he would have done with that. ;)