Yes, Grey Stone provides a free meal to all families attending their VBS.
So what if (as my friend Michaella put it) my kids haven't eaten any vegetables all week (unless you count ketchup).
After all, it's only one week =)
I've pretty much focused on what Ella and Ezra have been doing these last few posts...but Jeremiah and I have been busy with the youth too.
We've had great turn out every night...but with good (and free!) food, great messages (Rescued From An Ordinary Life), good music from our youth band, intimate and challenging break out times, and incredibly massive games of dodge ball...would you expect any less =)
I've struggled with a bit of melancholy this week because I know it is one of the last "big" things we will do with these students before Jeremiah changes his ministry focus to the college students and Elevation service in July. While I am excited for this change and know it is the Lords leading for our family...I genuinely LOVE our Eikon students and the time I have spent with them.
I am glad for this week to have had so much time with them and the opportunity to laugh with them and cry with them (you know there is always crying when you get a bunch of girls in the same room!)and learn together.
Okay, you may think I'm whacked for this, but I just noticed today that you have MckMama's font in your header. :P
Glad I'm not the only one not feeling too guilty about the whole no veggies thing! :)
P.S. In regards to your p.s., I've been on a blog kick lately - it comes in spurts! (Just like when I tried to keep a diary when I was a kid and a journal later on - it's never very consistent.) Maybe you're inspiring me in that too! :)
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