Seating assignments

By | 8:00 AM 3 comments
Jeremiah typically does most of the driving when we travel together.

However, after logging so many travel hours with him this past month I offered to switch it up with him and alternate driving.

So we did.


He lasted about 2 hours.

I think all the...

"Daddy, I need a drink"
"Daddy, the dvd player isn't working"
"ACI" "ACI" "ACI" "ACI" (translation: PASSI, PASSI, PASSI)
"Daddy, Ezra dropped his passi"
"Daddy, can I have a snack"
"Daddy, Ezra dropped his passi"
"Daddy, I want a new movie"
"Daddy, my juice is empty"
"Daddy, are we almost there?"
"Daddy, Ezra dropped his passi"

...made him realize that his favorite spot to be was in the drivers seat!

What about you?

When traveling do you prefer to be "on call" and in the passengers seat or would you rather just drive?

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That is SOOOO funny!!!

I always try to drive only if Josh has to "get some things done" or prepare a set list or talk for a gig but he always gets frustrated because he clearly doesn't get much of anything done in MY typical seat. I just laugh because I think those boys think we have it so easy over there since we don't have to drive.

I'd rather take the passenger seat because Josh just can't keep up with their demands and I end up having to "help" him anyway=)

I'm with Tasha. It is just better for me to tend to the boys, because I can keep up/ translate a little easier than he can ;), rather than driving and trying to be the mediator too!! :)

Haha! This post made me laugh! That's pretty much the way it is with us too! :)