Mourning Into Dancing

By | 8:30 AM 5 comments
I've never known sadness like I experienced when we learned that our little girl, Myla, in our fourth month of pregnancy, had died.

She was due to be born July 3, 2009.

I've never known such anticipation like I am experiencing today as we prepare to bring our little boy, Eli, home.

We will be home with him on July 3, 2010.

Let me clarify...we do not see Eli as a replacement for Myla. If you've ever grieved a child you understand that having another child will never replace the one that was lost. The new child is simply another blessing from the Lord.

But I can't help but be overwhelmed with the significance of the date. In a years time I can go from the depths of grief to the heights of joy at new life.

The words of David in Psalm 30:11-12 capture exactly what I am feeling:

You did it: You changed my mourning into dancing;
You ripped off my black band and decked me with wildflowers.

I'm about to burst with song;
I can't keep quiet about you.

God, my God,
I can't thank you enough.
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mommajeane said...

Oh Jenn and Jeremiah... I understand your heart, your mourning and your joy! I am rejoicing with you all because of all the Lord has done... and praise God you can be blessed by a child once again.

Unknown said...

wow, jenn, that's just AWESOME! What a GREAT God!

Ok, that made me cry! I didn't realize it was the exact date. It's amazing to look back and see God working in His perfect timing in every situation. I'm so excited for you guys!!!

Kelly Via said...

How cool, Jenn - I love to see how God blesses us thought things like that. Like little reminders of His faithfulness. That's just awesome.

Our Family said...

I know your hurt and and your joy! The same thing happened to us with Chandler and Mikah. Chandler's due date was July 25 and we arrived home with Mikah on July 25. It is just unbelievable how Awesome and All knowing our God is!