Artsy Fartsy

By | 3:10 PM 3 comments
I love the idea of keeping all of Ella's artwork.

However, due to the prolific nature of her's just not realistic to save every piece.

So, I devised a solution that works for me. I keep only a select few pieces in a safe place for her to have one day. I keep her newest creations on the fridge until they are not new anymore. I then photograph and download the "expiring" ones before they are sent to the trash.

May 2008
Medium: Acrylic Fingerpaint

May 2009
Medium: Watercolor
"Zebra, Heart, Red Clouds, and Self-Portrait"

What about you? I'd love to hear what you've come up with for organizing your childs artwork!
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That's a great idea Jenn! I can't keep up with all the "artwork" between school and multi-services at churches, not to mention the stuff we do around here. We just have our art wall but I shuffle through that every couple of months or so and end up throwing it all away. We do have some of it framed in their bedroom too.

Also, I've heard of some mom's taking pictures of it and putting it in scrapbooks/photo books to store for them.

Kelly Via said...

Great Idea Jenn! I have thought of doing this too, since we have loads of artwork, and I want to keep so much of it!! We may just have to try it!

Tim said...

:O You throw it away?